Personnel recruitment Your current location:Homepage  >  Personnel recruitment
Job name:  Business Manager SEX:  Not l
Number of recruits:  1 sex:  Not l
Work experience:  Not limited Working section:  
Academic requirements:  Not limited Age requirement:  Not limited
Release date:  12-07-2011 Closing date:  01-07-2012
Position description: Responsibilities:
1, responsible for system implementation and administration of property;
2, responsible for the company canteen, cleaning outsourcing work, supervision and management, operation and reasonable;
3, take good care of leasing, outsourcing contracts, maintaining the company's interests to ensure the contract was valid;
4, is responsible for canteens, dormitories, cleaning, landscaping, fitness, entertainment, utilities, vehicle management, corporate facilities, equipment maintenance and maintenance;
5, good internal security, fire management, organizational safety education, inspections, hazard correction, etc.;
6, complete the other tasks of higher-level tasks.
TEl:0535—6775256 Fax:0535-6775316